Websydian v6.1 online documentationOnline documentation - WebsydianExpress v3.0

WebsydianExpress - Message

WSE0246 - Import: Presentation with Name Already Exists

Error message

Import: A presentation with the name &(1:) was created for the process with ID &(2:). This process has another presentation with this name - consider changing the name of one of these presentations.


&(1:) - The name of the presentation.

&(2:) - The program name for the business process content loader.


A presentation (with the name &(1:)) has been imported for a business process. The import has found that the business process this presentation belongs to already has a presentation with the same name.

However, the existing presentation and the imported one do not have the same template suffix, template override name and/or presentation properties.

As a consequence of this, the import has created a new presentation for the business process that has the name and properties as specified in the import file.

This means that the business process has two presentations with the same name - but with different information.


You do not have to take any actions - everything will work as it should. However, you might want to rename one of the two presentations to avoid confusion. In some cases you might find that the properties specified for one of the presentations can be added to the other one without any effect - in this case you can change the presentation of one of the site elements - and then afterwards delete the superfluous presentation

Category / Severity

System / Informative